Play list for Snog/Inure at Brick by Brick - 08 Sep. 2006
9/10/2006 - I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that came to the Snog/Inure show at Brick by Brick. It was an excellent show and both bands put on an outstanding performance. I believe my highlight of the night was seeing people I have not seen in ages, especially a very special Irish Lass. ;) Another highlight of the night was when Snog performed Born to be Mild. I wanted to run up on stage and kiss them for that.
The play list has been posted for the Snog/Inure show on September 8th, 2006. The play list will be under the Special Events section. Just click on the date and a popup window should appear. I hope you all enjoyed the show and the music as much as I enjoyed spinning it.
Thanks again to all who showed up and I will be deejaying again at Underworld on September 16, 2006. This will be the third Saturday of the month. Remember that I will be deejaying every 1st and 3rd Saturday. I will also be spinning the 5th Saturday for every month that has a 5th Saturday.
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